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Declassify UAP and its Founder make the following commitments with regard to the operation of this organization and the legal entity behind it, Declassify UAP LLC:

1. The organization will publicly report all net revenue associated with its activities (donations, merchandise sales, potential speaker and appearance fees, etc.) in quarterly Fundraising Reports and an Annual Financial Report (tied to the calendar year);

2. All of the organization’s major cost centers will be reported in the Annual Financial Report, which will include:

a. Human resources (including all compensation of its Founder and contractors, and any potential future employees);

b. Infrastructure and operations (e.g. website hosting, domain registration, voter engagement platform, email hosting, etc.);

c. Promotional activities (e.g. video production, merchandise and swag for giveaways, events, advertising, etc.);

d. Costs associated with the organization’s direct lobbying activities (which are also reported as part of Declassify UAP’s Federal lobbying disclosure requirements);

e. Administrative and legal fees (e.g. various filing and legal fees, etc.);

f. Any other significant use of funds ≥ $500.

3. All of the organization’s assets of a value ≥ $500 will be reported in the Annual Financial Report, including total cash on hand;

4. The organization will never share constituent contact information associated with its email signup and representative outreach lists with any entities outside of Declassify UAP LLC, other than obvious and required circumstances such as:

a. Individual contact information that must be exchanged with our vendor(s) for the fulfillment of Store orders;

b. Individual contact information that must be exchanged with our financial processing vendor(s);

c. Constituent contact information provided to Declassify UAP for inclusion in petitions that will be shared with the offices of elected representatives;

d. Constituent contact information provided to Declassify UAP for the purpose of arranging constituent meetings with elected representatives or other parties, where this information must be provided in advance;

e. Any other absolutely essential circumstances that arise, all of which will be publicly reported if they come up (please note: our email list and voter engagement platform is provided by VoterVoice, a subsidiary of FiscalNote, and occasionally access to our instance of their platform will need to be granted for system administration and support purposes);

5. Absolutely no website content will be generated by artificial intelligence (AI), such as large language models including GPT-3, GPT-4, and ChatGPT, image generation models including Stable Diffusion and Midjourney, etc. In the hypothetical case it may be useful to publish AI-generated content of any sort in the future, all such content will clearly be marked as such;

6. Declassify UAP will maintain a neutral but fundamentally open-minded tone regarding the ultimate nature and origin of UAP, until and unless major disclosures of information are provided via government declassification efforts and/or publicly-available independent scientific research;

7. Declassify UAP will maintain a firm nonpartisan/bipartisan approach to its government UAP transparency lobbying efforts and overall communications, so long as elected representatives continue to operate in a bipartisan fashion around the issue (the organization will do everything in its power to help maintain such a unified approach regarding the issue);

8. Any and all changes to the organization’s Goals and Pledge will be listed in the organization’s Changelog, including the date of the change.