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Disclosure Diaries Update #39: A summary of notable Disclosure updates from May 6-May 12, 2024

May 13, 2024 | Disclosure Diaries Weekly Updates

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This past week in Disclosure:


May 6 – Rep. Grothman reveals he hasn’t been approached regarding plans for an upcoming hearing on UAP/USOs

Rep. Glenn Grothman – Chair, House Oversight National Security, the Border, & Foreign Affairs Subcommittee – seemed to be unaware of Rep. Luna/Burchett’s intention to host a public hearing on UAP (with a specific focus on USO, i.e. Unidentified Submerged Objects).

May 7 – HASC Chair Mike Rogers denies gutting the Schumer-Rounds UAP amendment

Speaking with Askapol, Rep. Rogers (who some commentators blamed for the watering down of the UAP amendment language in late 2023) denied these allegations.

May 9 – the Hill publishes an article covering Senatorial interest in the UAP topic

An opinion piece on the Hill covers the efforts various top Senators have made to investigate purported UAP crash retrieval/reverse engineering programs since 2011.

The Senators include former fighter pilot and famed astronaut John Glenn (D-Ohio); Ted Stevens (R-Alaska), who observed a UFO as a World War II pilot; Daniel Inouye (D-Hawaii), then-chairman of the Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on Defense; 2008 GOP presidential nominee Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.); Senate Intelligence Vice Chairman Marco Rubio (R-Fla.); Kirsten Gillibrand (D-N.Y.) and Joe Lieberman (D-Conn.).

May 9 – Rep. Burchett indicates plenty of work on the UAP topic is still going on behind the scenes

In a post from James Fox, Rep. Burchett confirmed that “we will be having some more [UAP-related] hearings, and we will be getting some more stuff out”.

May 10 – Ross Coulthart indicates the ICIG investigation into David Grusch is still ongoing

In his most recent podcast appearance, Ross Coulthart claims an active ICIG investigation into David Grusch’s UAP-related allegations is still underway. Some of Grusch’s “informant base” have allegedly recently been questioned by the IC Inspector General.

May 11 – AARO confirms it has yet to receive information on ‘Drone’ incursions over Langley Air Force Base

As covered in the latest article from the Liberation Times, a spokesman from AARO (the Pentagon’s UFO office) stated that the office “has not yet received a report or any information on this incident.”

The incident in question involved mysterious ‘drone’ swarms that harangued Langley Air Force Base throughout December 2023.

“None of the incursions appeared to exhibit hostile intent but anything flying in our restricted airspace can pose a threat to flight safety. The FAA was made aware of the UAS incursions.”


Things to look out for in the near future:



  • According to Senator Gillibrand – a public hearing in line with AARO’s latest report can be expected soon, saying –”I’ll probably have another hearing aligned with that public report.”

Beyond/currently unknown

  • Following the UAP hearing on the 26th of July, Members of Congress have called for a select committee with subpoena authority, to “go about the task of collecting information from the Pentagon and elsewhere” on unidentified flying objects. There have been conflicting messages from various Members of Congress on whether this is likely to happen anytime soon. Note – a select subcommittee was formally requested on March 13th.
  • Reps. Moskowitz, Luna, and Burchett have repeatedly stated their intent to hold field hearings to overcome stonewalling from the Pentagon and military establishment”I think we [Congress] should try to get into one of these places [housing UAP evidence]…and if they won’t let us in I think we should have a field hearing right outside the building…and the military will have to explain why that is.” – Rep. Moskowitz (D)It is currently unknown when exactly we might expect that to occur, however as of Jan 12 – Rep. Luna confirmed:”I feel confident that we have enough evidence to move forward with our first field hearing.    . We will be announcing details soon.
  • Several journalists have indicated that first-hand witnesses of the alleged UAP legacy programs are in the process of providing testimony/evidence to the relevant authorities (e.g. the IC IG) and/or are on the verge of making public statements in the near future (Example 1example 2example 3example 4)
  • David Grusch has received additional clearances through DOPSR to discuss some of his (alleged) first-hand knowledge of Legacy programs. He has mentioned he may be covering more of this information in an upcoming Op-Ed
  • Some commentators have speculated that the architects of the UAPDA (e.g. Sens. Schumer/Rounds et al) are working diligently behind the scenes to continue furthering serious legislative UAP transparency efforts

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